Tuesday, November 13, 2012

June 2023: Past nine months: got married. Had a baby. Moved to Seattle. Currently looking for orcas and theatre work.
March 2022: Ahoy, sailors! I got to sing the role of Josephine in Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore at Sacramento Theatre Company. "The Hours Creep On Apace" is a comedy song and I won't be convinced otherwise.
October 2021: Back in action! We completed the run of Ass, the world premiere by Ellen Simon at Pioneer Theatre Company.
March 2020: False start! We got to rehearse the world premiere of Ellen Simon's Ass at Pioneer Theatre Company in Salt Lake City, but then a pandemic happened.
June 2019: I flapper-ed into 1919 London for a workshop of The Bachelor Girls at the She Arts Festival, directed by Rhonda Kohl and written by the team Wigmore and Green.
May 2019: Blacklist episode 619 airs, and I've been cut in post! That's showbiz, baby.
March 26, 2019: Doing a reading of Victor Lesniewski's play, Cold Spring at the New School of Drama.
March 2019: Shooting two days on The Blacklist for episode 619!
January 2019: Back at Pioneer for a reading of Victor Lesniewski's new play, The Fifth Domain, directed by Kareem Fahmy. This four-person thriller asks questions about patriotism, espionage, and government accountability in the digital age, and was received enthusiastically. Excited for its future!
November/December, 2018: Collaborating with some amazing folks at On The Rocks Films and Cut and Dry Films on two cool projects.
October/November, 2018: Sinking my teeth into Sweeney Todd at Pioneer Theatre Company in Salt Lake City as the Beggar Woman.
July 1, 2018: Shades of Blue season 3 episode 3 airs--busy saving people's lives as a paramedic.
June/July 2018: Excited to work on Marshall Pailet's new musical Loch Ness at Adirondack Theatre Festival!
March 19-23, 2018: Just finished up an industry reading of the new musical, Evangeline, A Curious Journey at the Davenport Theatre.
Feb 18, 2018: Recording demos today for a new children’s musical, "Off To Olympus" by Richard Rodgers award-winning lyricist-librettist Dave Hudson.
Feb 2, 2018: Filming a comedy short in “The Annex,” the pilot for a comedy series by Cut & Dry Films.
Jan 12-14, 2018: Just returned from an incredible three performances as Francesca in "Bridges of Madison County" for Arcadia Theatre's Broadway In Concert series in Wellsboro, PA.
December 28th, 2017: I collaborated with composer/lyricist David Taylor Gomes and recorded his pop duet "Take You Down."
June 5, 2017 Shot “Enfin Seule” Columbia MFA film for writer/director Josalynn Jade Smith.
May 24, 2017: On set shooting a co-star as a paramedic in NBC's Shades of Blue. Keep your eyes peeled for season 3, episode 3.
May 2019: Blacklist episode 619 airs, and I've been cut in post! That's showbiz, baby.
March 26, 2019: Doing a reading of Victor Lesniewski's play, Cold Spring at the New School of Drama.
March 2019: Shooting two days on The Blacklist for episode 619!
January 2019: Back at Pioneer for a reading of Victor Lesniewski's new play, The Fifth Domain, directed by Kareem Fahmy. This four-person thriller asks questions about patriotism, espionage, and government accountability in the digital age, and was received enthusiastically. Excited for its future!
November/December, 2018: Collaborating with some amazing folks at On The Rocks Films and Cut and Dry Films on two cool projects.
October/November, 2018: Sinking my teeth into Sweeney Todd at Pioneer Theatre Company in Salt Lake City as the Beggar Woman.
July 1, 2018: Shades of Blue season 3 episode 3 airs--busy saving people's lives as a paramedic.
June/July 2018: Excited to work on Marshall Pailet's new musical Loch Ness at Adirondack Theatre Festival!
March 19-23, 2018: Just finished up an industry reading of the new musical, Evangeline, A Curious Journey at the Davenport Theatre.
Feb 18, 2018: Recording demos today for a new children’s musical, "Off To Olympus" by Richard Rodgers award-winning lyricist-librettist Dave Hudson.
Feb 2, 2018: Filming a comedy short in “The Annex,” the pilot for a comedy series by Cut & Dry Films.
Jan 12-14, 2018: Just returned from an incredible three performances as Francesca in "Bridges of Madison County" for Arcadia Theatre's Broadway In Concert series in Wellsboro, PA.
December 28th, 2017: I collaborated with composer/lyricist David Taylor Gomes and recorded his pop duet "Take You Down."
June 5, 2017 Shot “Enfin Seule” Columbia MFA film for writer/director Josalynn Jade Smith.
May 24, 2017: On set shooting a co-star as a paramedic in NBC's Shades of Blue. Keep your eyes peeled for season 3, episode 3.